Lawyer Mary Jean Reimer has claimed that someone poisoned 11 of her 15 cats, after threatening calls were made and warning letters sent to her aides.

“The police are handling the matter. I will not step back – after all this is a fight between the good and the evil,” the Buddhist said on her social media page. “I believe time will tell.”

The actress-turned-solicitor, also known as Yung Jing-jing, said a volunteer who helped her with investigating the Ting Wai Monastery received a threatening call on December 28 last year saying: “Stop saying too much.” It was followed by hundreds of harassing calls and a threatening letter mentioning Reimer’s family members, which reached the volunteer’s address on January 2.

Mary Jean Reimer
Mary Jean Reimer. Photo: Hong Kong Animal Post.

Reimer said her neighbour had also received a threatening letter mentioning her and her two daughters, containing a $20 “hell banknote.”

Last year, she was in a legal battle with the Ting Wai Monastery – of which she was a director – as she accused the abbess, Sik Chi Ding, of leading a luxurious life, mishandling donations, and sham marriages. The High Court in November ordered a take-over of the monastery.

Reimer was out of town in December. She said her domestic worker found a few days ago that one of her cats had difficulty breathing and was slobbering. As a vet arrived to check her cat, another cat showed signs of poisoning, until 11 cats were found to be poisoned, according to the Hong Kong Animal Post.

See also: Engaged Buddhism: Hong Kong Buddhists seek more participation in politics and leadership race


Posted by 翁靜晶 on Wednesday, 10 January 2018

She said the poisoned cats often sat close to windows and they may have been poisoned by something thrown through a window.

Reimer has been active in exposing fake monks cheating people for money in Hong Kong. She often went undercover to expose them.

Kris Cheng is a Hong Kong journalist with an interest in local politics. His work has been featured in Washington Post, Public Radio International, Hong Kong Economic Times and others. He has a BSSc in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Kris is HKFP's Editorial Director.