Thousands attended a pro-Beijing rally on Sunday in support of China’s decision to effectively bar two pro-independence legislators from taking office, amid accusations that some were paid to attend.

Dan Garrett Pro interpretation pro beijing protest
Sign on the left: “Severely punish Hong Kong independence lawmakers, if you tolerate, Hong Kong is over.” Sign on the right: “Those who insult my China must be severely punished. One cannot be careless.” Photo: Dan Garrett.
Dan Garrett Pro interpretation pro beijing protest
A screen playing footage of Baggio Leung Chung-hang and Yau Wai-ching. The top left says: “Yau and Leung violently enters the Legislative Council, six security guards hurt and sent to hospital.” Photo: Dan Garrett.
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Protesters holding a banner stating their support for Beijing’s interpretation. The banner also says “Kick out all those who took fake oaths from the Legislative Council.” Photo: Dan Garrett.
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Banner which says that Beijing’s interpretation “stuck to the bottom line.” Photo: Dan Garrett.
Dan Garrett Pro interpretation pro beijing protest
A letter addressed to Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, which says “Demanding the government review all lawmakers who took fake oaths.” Photo: Dan Garrett.
Dan Garrett Pro interpretation pro beijing protest
“Everyone hits and screams at ‘street-crossing’ mice.,” says the banner. The leg is marked “all Chinese people of the world.” Photo: Dan Garrett.
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Screen showing footage Ashley Tse, the chairperson of Hong Kong Youth Enlightenment, speaking. Photo: Dan Garrett.
Dan Garrett Pro interpretation pro beijing protest
The banner on the right: “Hong Kong independence messing up society; interpretation brings order from chaos.” The left asks for severe punishment of lawmakers who advocate for independence. Photo: Dan Garrett.
Dan Garrett Pro interpretation pro beijing protest
Signs on the ground suggest that Youngspiration’s Yau Wai-ching should go to Taiwan to become a prostitute. Photo: Dan Garrett.

Dan Garrett, PhD, is an author, photographer, political scientist, and visual sociologist studying China’s securitization of Hong Kong. His first book examined the Region’s vivacious protest culture and defence of the Hongkonger identity. A second investigating China’s post-Umbrella national security crackdown on protests/protesters and the militarisation of SAR protest policing is in process.