A City University exchange student from mainland China was left in tears on Thursday after she was caught tearing down a banner saying “Hong Kong is not China” and changing it to “Hong Kong just a part of China of course”. She also allegedly injured another student who tried to film her.

城大民主牆之亂始末城大民主牆之亂始末此短片為該自稱中國留學生的女子把城大民望牆上貼有的「HONG KONG IS NOT CHINA」標語撕走,改換後部為「JUST A PART OF CHINA OF COURSE」的經過。過程中,有途經的本地學生發現並拍照、錄影為證。其中拍攝此片的男學生於錄影後上前理論,要求對方將本來字樣恢復原狀,否則將片斷於網上公開;而該名NDS則聲稱拍攝是對她不尊重,而且侵犯「肖像權」,要求立刻刪除錄影。其後男學生收起電話離開,女事主上前用力捉緊對方雙手不放,阻止其離開,掙扎其間男學生雙手被該女士抓傷。之後該女士在原地嚎啕大哭,引起路人注意。事後男學生向學校保安備案,亦有向城大編委提供案發經過及影像檔案。最終女事主含淚道歉,指自己是初犯,且不明規矩,請求原諒。撕毁大學民望牆的標語,此舉無疑公然侵凌校園之表達自由,同時涉及刑事毀壞;過程中導致他人受傷,更是有傷人之嫌。其罪之重,絕不容恕,現敦促城大校方及學生組織嚴肅處理,以捍衛校園以至本港之言論自由!稍早前回顧:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153650371178346&set=a.10150208548198346.328016.839853345&type=3抄送CityU Secrets 香港城市大學學生會編輯委員會 CityU SU Editorial Board 第三十一屆香港城市大學學生會編輯委員會候選內閣1號烽凌 Crescendo

Posted by Edward Tang on Thursday, 19 November 2015

A video posted on Facebook showed the female student tore away the “is not China” part from the banner on the “Democracy Wall” at City University and pasted “just a part of China of course” printed on white paper.

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In another video, the girl was seen crying and trying to stop a student from filming her.

【影片跟進】撕走標語 涉嫌傷人 大陸交流生哭訴:我不是故意的昨日(19/11)大概下午7時,一位大陸學生被發現於民主牆前撕下「HONG KONG IS NOT CHINA」中的文字,並試圖在「HONG KONG」後換上「Just A Part of China」。從影片中可見,牆上已貼上「Just A」。本候選內閣記者到場時,中國學生正與本地生理論,期間掩面落淚,又要求記者不要拍她,更用手遮擋鏡頭,但被記者即時喝止。一名本地學生向本候選內閣記者表示,自己有目擊及拍攝該名中國學生更改標語的過程。他指出,當中國學生發現他正在拍攝時,就上前意圖搶去其手機,想把影片刪除。而本地生就要求中國學生把所有海報放回原位,否則會將片段「廣傳天下」。在爭執下,本地生報稱自己的手被弄傷。當本地生向本候選內閣記者展示傷口時,中國學生就邊哭邊說:「我真的不是故意要傷你的。你覺得我是故意把你弄成這樣的嗎?」本候選內閣向在場保安詢問有關民主牆的詳情,該保安員指出「民主牆上的字句及圖文一向都是在到期後由有關部門處理。」相關報導:【撕民主牆標語斷正 中國交流生落淚認錯】(https://www.facebook.com/cityucrescendo2015/photos/a.387651958092369.1073741828.387603714763860/390340431156855/?type=3)================香港城市大學學生會編輯委員會選舉投票詳情如下:日期:11月19至20日時間:每日上午10時至晚上8時地點:學術樓(一)四樓藍區 (Podium Blue Zone)請各基本會員踴躍投票!

Posted by 第三十一屆香港城市大學學生會編輯委員會候選內閣1號烽凌 Crescendo on Thursday, 19 November 2015

“Can you not film me? Can you delete the footage?” she said before using her hand to cover the lens but was stopped.

“I really did not mean to hurt you. Do you think I made you this way on purpose?” She said later, crying.

The incident has caused an outcry on Facebook, with many criticising her for not respecting Hong Kong’s freedom of speech. However, some sympathised with the girl and said her freedom of speech should also be protected. It is not clear whether the university reported the case to the police.

Vivienne Zeng is a journalist from China with three years' experience covering Hong Kong and mainland affairs. She has an MA in journalism from the University of Hong Kong. Her work has been featured on outlets such as Al Jazeera+ and MSNBC.